Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yesterday . So Yesterday :D

coffee with farahrah .
Huh . My fingers is pain. Always typing and typing . Finally i had finished my another blog. Gosh. but that blog i dont feel any pain to type of but now i can feel the PAINFULL of my finger. HAHA. yeah yeah. Okay yesterday while i am playing laptop. I findout that tantintun had stole my makeup and so suprisingly she put the make up on her face. and yet i think it is weird because that is so sudden she put it on her face. she never did that before. Dont believe it . Here those of her pictures :D

She was so not recognised me when i snap those of her pictures . what a great mamarazzi i am myself. well yeah if she do that again i dont feel any weird feelings anymore and yet she is a girl she do have to grown up being matured to all those girls stuff sometimes :D TANTAN congrats :D hahah
So do makeup. dont feel ashamed to touch and put it on.
i know its awkard but afterall you have TOLEARN about it, LEARN for me then . hee


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