Monday, April 27, 2009


"Spotting light over the road,heals the fuel speed the cars,
breezing within cool air,dropping gum on the bridge."
phrase by me.

this are the phrase which is best statement to talk about people's destiny today.
i am freak to think somes of 'bad smokes' in OUR OR MINE environmental area.
i think you guys know what is exactly meaning of bad smokes is :D
it is not about our sorrounding pollutant , we are not talking about that DUH but the bad smoke i want to shows is the person who are pretending good in order showing off .

They are majority peoples indicate or labeling themself as showing off .There are good in SOME SPECIFIC AREA but PRETENDING TO SHOW OFF wasnt good.
HAHAHA. i know it is funny but hey , you are ! LAMELAME lah.
actually i want to dedicate this note to somenone GIRL WHO ARE not so bad but she is kind. hows that? HAHAHAHAHAAH. i feel sympathize to you my dearest....... what to do that is you AFTERALL. i forgive you no matter of fact.iloveyou thou,
but i wont treat you NICE like i treat you before .

klah byee :) DAA chaaooo.

"Spotting light over the road,heals the fuel speed the cars,
breezing within cool air,dropping gum on the bridge."

the true meaning of those phrase up there.

Spotting light over the road - which is mean there are alots of people in assorted area but the light only spotting you amongst the others. IT IS SHOWS YOU MY DEAR.

heals the fuels speed the cars- which is mean you are energetic to survive in your life wherenever they are FOE's sourroundings you.

breezing within cool air-which is mean i am the one who find the cool air within to avoid the bad air will comes to me.

dropping gum on the bridge-which is mean i am so not expected that you are NOT THE REALLY person who i believe and trusted for.i chew you out so that we are separate.

THE END :) <3

Farah Damanhuri.

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