Thursday, June 25, 2009


just get myself cold after several hours in hot area . FUH bloody hot :) but i bless with hot. Creature made from god , we have to bless it eventhough its irratate but we must be grateful . dont ya think like that too ? :) i know i am kind of illouis girl nowdays. appreciate everything those who are create the creatures. in mankind i love it :) probbaly i starting to act myself in proper look but i disgust it , seriously it was so very the malu part when i had to do that so. GOSH .

In Addition people, i recently just looked one of the best blogger ever.
inspired by Yasmin Ahmad. The Famous and well known director in malaysian and yet she is very humbly women , I like her spirits thou. Mantera mantera :P hahaaa
well here a bit some "NAKAL Poem "i had found from google.
What do you guys understands about those words?
hahaa absoblute NAKAL taau :D
try to understand it. i do understand it .

thats y i said NAKAL

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

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