Tuesday, July 21, 2009

going through the single moments

Being single is everlasting independent satisfaction. You will not be 'konker' from your boyfie with any stuff may you spoil it brat or neatly it. No one will scold you perhaps your family maybe theey would :)

For me being single is always commonly in my life. i just can scrap it even painted it inside my heart.
Nevertherless people wouldnt know the moments that i have been through was unexpected sweet and unpredictable. Well as you know life is unpredictable. Whether we can survive it or we fell on it. I rather pick to survive it eventhou its HURT PATHETHIC FRUSTRATED and PAINFUL .
but afterall i just jump on it as 'materialistic life' nevermind we are hoping much towards love thinggy even i just cant help myself to control it sometimes. its kinda obssesions. so people, if you are ready to go for 'in relationship' you have to alert yourself that you will have in such of many unexpected emotional way. kind of ENVIOUS,CRYING,LOVELY,ROMANTIC and plusss pluss.
You guys should be ready for it. and importantly THE END PART OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP. hahaa. you will gain your headache and learning to being alone. TRUST ME . IT HAPPEN TO EVERYONE and i am thankful i am not in that way . because we are broke up in harmonize situation but it was unexpected. I gain myself an error actually but i have to wake up wake up from all things that sorrow and miserable me. not even worth to cry like monsterry or even sneak out anything towards him. AINT I WOULDNT. but nevermind we're happy now. we are happy to be friends. it is good than enough.

and i already put myself as high in education i wouldnt couple at this moment. It will distruct me.
I dont look for boyfriends now onwards . i am looking for Husbandd material type of guy that always girl wish for. i dont know where he is. I just being waiting to see he comes to me :) yaaay.

i have to put myslf as positive nor negative. Despite that i hava great supporters that always cherish me during ups and downs. There are my familyyyyy , My girfriendds and my best roomatesss! they shed my sorrow they shed everything. even i can smile back :) you guys rock !

and lastlyy, i wish we could be friend like alwayss my dearesssst :) i really enjoyed myslf when i was with you. you are the greatest man on earth just that we are not belongings to each other. fates are disspointed me. Nevermind. I wish you had a great woman in your lifee.
sweeet everr :)

Oh heey dil hai tumhaaraaa ,

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