Monday, December 14, 2009

bad dreamer , in the middle of morning . A whatt !

Yesterday it was my first time ever i slept early than others day , there were 3.00 something in the morning i couldnt remember whats the exact time was but i felt dizzy and fever so i had to slept earlier .
than i grab my pillow and my boyfriend where 'OSHKO' dont misunderstood. haha
then i start to close my eyes and dreamed dreamed , i was so shock that when i woke up this morning i realised that i was dreamed something bad and really awkward , i was like ' ya allah , '
thats the first words and impression i could spilled. yeah i dreamed really something bad.

you want to know what i dreamed yesterday, let me tell you this .

1) i got my own tattoo on my hands , which is so weird and really sin to do it so .
2) my own bffs and girlfriend are tottally freaking me out
3) one of my alamanda friends , told me where do i have any extra selendang pin
4) i dreamed raja who having a bad condition
5) i having a drama with someone ? and i particurlarly dont know whom .

yeah thats the randomly dreamed i dreamt last night. it was awkward la, haha
OH mygoodness , I GOT A TATTOOO?! that will be a question mark , grr

what to do thats the devil's sleep games. dont take any seriously of it at all .
so thats all for now , loveyaa :)

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