Alhamdullilah my result was passed with flying colours eventhough it is not as in tittle DEAN LIST but i am proud myself because its increased.
Thank to GOD , My Mama and Abah , My Sibling , My girlfriends who always there for me yang selalu mengajar saya and mumbled me to study all time and neither be malas thanks Raja Nabila :)
and to allll of youu thank you for the CONGRATS wishes alhamdullilah. thank you thank you thank you
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
ADUAN PILIHAN : DNA Babi Dalam Bahan Buat Kek & Roti Secret Recipe
Kek dan Roti pula, lepas ini apa lagi dapat tahu...
Kadang-kadang aku memang semacam tak paham, rasanya dah hampir semua makanan kat Malaysia ini dah tak selamat dah!
kata jer Malaysia ini negara islam?
tapi persekitaran?
kedai-kedai makan pun banyak yang was-was!
Sikit-sikit buat makanan mesti nak masuk inzim babi ker? DNA babi ker! macam wajib letak pulak dah!
Berikut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Panel Pengesahan Halal Malaysia Bil.14/2011:
Mesyuarat Panel Pengesahan Halal Malaysia Bil.14/2011 yang diadakan pada 12 Mei 2011 telah memutuskan permohonan Syarikat PuratosMalaysia Sdn Bhd ( JAKIM-20100609-123757 ) adalah tidak berjaya berikutan penemuan Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) babi dalam bahan ramuan ( Whole Egg Powder dan Whole Milk Powder ) yang digunakan syarikat tersebut.
Dua ramuan terbabit ialah ‘Whole Egg Powder’ dan ‘Whole Milk Powder.’
Syarikat tersebut adalah:
Kadang-kadang aku memang semacam tak paham, rasanya dah hampir semua makanan kat Malaysia ini dah tak selamat dah!
kata jer Malaysia ini negara islam?
tapi persekitaran?
kedai-kedai makan pun banyak yang was-was!
Sikit-sikit buat makanan mesti nak masuk inzim babi ker? DNA babi ker! macam wajib letak pulak dah!
Berikut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Panel Pengesahan Halal Malaysia Bil.14/2011:
Mesyuarat Panel Pengesahan Halal Malaysia Bil.14/2011 yang diadakan pada 12 Mei 2011 telah memutuskan permohonan Syarikat PuratosMalaysia Sdn Bhd ( JAKIM-20100609-123757 ) adalah tidak berjaya berikutan penemuan Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) babi dalam bahan ramuan ( Whole Egg Powder dan Whole Milk Powder ) yang digunakan syarikat tersebut.
Dua ramuan terbabit ialah ‘Whole Egg Powder’ dan ‘Whole Milk Powder.’
Syarikat tersebut adalah:
Syarikat Puratos Malaysia Sdn Bhd ( JAKIM-20100609-123757 )
Justeru, orang ramai dinasihatkan supaya melayari laman web untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai syarikat yang memiliki SPHM.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Balance Holidays
its been few days i am enjoyed myself for holidays. Currently i am freee to write and free spending time more on writing . and i guess i need to be more more and more keep writing so i am confidently to express everything what had happened sourrounding me , and the phenomenon of the entire world.
and its been screw up lately with the news of kenaikan harga. and practically that is not a good news .
and the Manchester United was won for the perlawanan with Chelsea. glory glory united ♥
and its my 8days of holidays i am spending myself with my family at home. it feelss so bless. sometimes bukan i dont want to go out spend time with the friends but i am missing my home somuch. and its wild 2 months i did not went home like crazy. can you guys imagine kan. because i am way too busy struggled for my last final and alhamdullilah i can do it .. and thats why im not feeling to going out with friend somehow bukan sebab i am too sombong bukan.. i miss them so much , but i miss my mom my dad my siblings and i need more time with em' too.. bukan takmau keluar tau girls , hope you girls understand me. imma too homesick and thatswhy ♥
and its only have 16 days more to my RESULT DAY. huu speechless dah. dont know how well my result is. feeling heartbeat faster dah. pray alots :)
and yet i am now trying to spend time more in balance way. to family and girlfriend. maybe i take weekdays to go out with em and weekend imma with family moree . and bukan weekdays ja suka2 keluar because the weekdays pun i need to spend time with my siblings also. ookay i know i am good kakak kan .hehe.
I hope my planning on this holiday will success and makes everyone happily ever afterrr ♥ thats all for now. byeee <3
and its been screw up lately with the news of kenaikan harga. and practically that is not a good news .
and the Manchester United was won for the perlawanan with Chelsea. glory glory united ♥
and its my 8days of holidays i am spending myself with my family at home. it feelss so bless. sometimes bukan i dont want to go out spend time with the friends but i am missing my home somuch. and its wild 2 months i did not went home like crazy. can you guys imagine kan. because i am way too busy struggled for my last final and alhamdullilah i can do it .. and thats why im not feeling to going out with friend somehow bukan sebab i am too sombong bukan.. i miss them so much , but i miss my mom my dad my siblings and i need more time with em' too.. bukan takmau keluar tau girls , hope you girls understand me. imma too homesick and thatswhy ♥
and its only have 16 days more to my RESULT DAY. huu speechless dah. dont know how well my result is. feeling heartbeat faster dah. pray alots :)
and yet i am now trying to spend time more in balance way. to family and girlfriend. maybe i take weekdays to go out with em and weekend imma with family moree . and bukan weekdays ja suka2 keluar because the weekdays pun i need to spend time with my siblings also. ookay i know i am good kakak kan .hehe.
I hope my planning on this holiday will success and makes everyone happily ever afterrr ♥ thats all for now. byeee <3
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Sejarah hari ibu telah dikenalpasti sebagai perayaan musim bunga orang-orang Greece, sebagai penghormatan terhadap Rhea, ibu kepada tuhan mereka. Pada tahun 1600 orang-orang England merayakan hari yang mereka namakan sebagai "Mothering Sunday". Ia dirayakan pada hari Ahad keempat setiap Lent. Lent adalah tempoh masa selama 40 hari samada dalam bulan Februari atau Mac. Dalam tempoh ini, sebahagian orang-orang Kristian akan berhenti melakukan atau memakan makanan tertentu atas alasan agama. Amalan tersebut adalah sebagai penghormatan mereka terhadap Mother Mary. Mother Mary adalah Maryam, ibu kepada Nabi Isa Alaihissalam atau Jesus yang mereka anggap sebagai tuhan.
Dalam tempoh tersebut juga, kebanyakan rakyat England yang faqir dan miskin, akan bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah. Mereka sanggup keluar jauh meninggalkan keluarga kerana percaya bahawa Jesus akan memberikan kekayaan dan kesenangan dalam tempoh tersebut. Menjelang hari Ahad keempat, mereka digalakkan untuk bercuti oleh majikan, dan pulang ke kampung untuk bertemu dengan ibu. Setiap ibu akan dihadiahkan dengan Mothering Cake atau kek hari ibu sempena perayaan tersebut.
Amalan dan tradisi ini menular ke seluruh dunia dan ia kini disambut sebagai penghormatan kepada Mother Church. Mother Church dianggap sebagai kuasa spiritual yang agung yang memberi manusia kehidupan dan memullihara mereka dari sebarang kecederaan. Sejak dari itu, perayaan Mothering Sunday telah diadun dengan upacara kegerejaan. Penghormatan mereka terhadap ibu sama taraf dengan penghormatan mereka terhadap gereja.
Di Amerika Syarikat, Hari Ibu disambut seawal 1872 hasil ilham Julia Ward Howe. Beliau adalah seorang aktivis sosial dan telah menulis puisi " The Battle Hymn of The Republic" (TBHoTR). TBHoTR telah dijadikan lagu patriotik yang popular di kalangan warga Amerika. Ungkapan "Hallelujah" dalam bait-bait lagu tersebut menyerlahkan lagi sentuhan Yahudi dan Zionis dalam mencaturkan politik dunia.
Pada tahun 1907 Anna Jarvis dari Philadelphia telah memulakan kempen untuk melancarkan Hari Ibu. Beliau telah berjaya mempengaruhi Mother's Church di Grafton, West Virginia agar meraya dan meraikan Hari Ibu pada hari ulang tahun kedua kematian ibunya, iaitu pada hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei. Semenjak dari itu, Hari Ibu dirayakan saban tahun di Philadelphia.
Anna Jarvis, dan pendokong-pendokongnya telah menulis surat kepada menteri, golongan peniaga dan ahli-ahli politik agar Hari Ibu disambut secara meluas di seluruh wilayah. Matlamat mereka telah berjaya sepenuhnya pada tahun 1911 apabila hari tersebut disambut oleh hampir keseluruhan wilayah Amerika. Pada tahun 1914, Presiden Woodrow Wilson, secara rasminya telah mengisytiharkan Hari Ibu sebagai Hari cuti umum dan mesti raikan pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei. Biarpun sebahagian besar negara-negara di dunia menyambutnya pada hari yang berlainan, tetapi negara seperti Denmark, Finland, Itali, Turki, Australia, dan Belgium masih merayakannya pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy holiday to all UiTM ♥
hello its been a freaking wild time ive feel sooo ages that i am not write anything on this blog. kinda miss u yar. inspite that i dont have any special things to share with .. because i am currently busy spending my holidays this 3 weeks :)
ITS SOO CEPAT YOU GUYS tahu tak. haiya..
after all , alhamdullilah i performed well on my last final exam . its felt so blessed. i can even answer almost everything. alhamdullilah :)
and am just waiting for this coming result on 25th of May 2011 at 12 pm , oh my god i am getting heartbeatttt here. and currently i am so freeeeeeee like bird thats why i curi masa sikit nak tulis onto my blogg .
Dah berhabuk dah nampak blog ni haaa ..
apa pun , HAPPY HOLIDAYS UOOLSSSSSSSSS!! enjoy habis-habisan naaaa.
anything i will roger2 on bloggg. muaaaah . huggiess !
ITS SOO CEPAT YOU GUYS tahu tak. haiya..
after all , alhamdullilah i performed well on my last final exam . its felt so blessed. i can even answer almost everything. alhamdullilah :)
and am just waiting for this coming result on 25th of May 2011 at 12 pm , oh my god i am getting heartbeatttt here. and currently i am so freeeeeeee like bird thats why i curi masa sikit nak tulis onto my blogg .
Dah berhabuk dah nampak blog ni haaa ..
apa pun , HAPPY HOLIDAYS UOOLSSSSSSSSS!! enjoy habis-habisan naaaa.
anything i will roger2 on bloggg. muaaaah . huggiess !
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
busy womanss !
goodluck to my lovers Raja Nabila , Yusra Nazri , Aina Azmi and Amira , we're the best.
hoyeh hoyeh
goodluck to my lovers Raja Nabila , Yusra Nazri , Aina Azmi and Amira , we're the best.
hoyeh hoyeh
Monday, March 7, 2011
Today's Monday , what a lovely bright day today . aw thats cutee farah ! (:
i have class Macroeconomics at 4pm after this, and tomorrow is my Marketing test which is i have to badly struggle hard ! memorising each chapter very well ! my gosh its until chapter 5 dude. im not that einstein to read but i am good memorising to read , how cool is that? wee-hee
inspite of that my friend of mine RAJA NABILA SYAZWANEE , is very hardworking study marketing am so proud of it
and anther friend of mine, YUSRA NAZRI is missing in action , ADELLA AIRA i dont know what shes doing currently. well girls, study hard naa !! (:
and myself surfing upp on the floor , mumbling aloner writing myself a new speech at blog. wow and non study. sangat rajin belajar . terimakasih ;D
and now my room is in a romantic soulest mood , my god someone is open ' BELLA LUNA' song like serious many time HEARD, oftenly yesterday BERKUMANDANG and thank god once for today ;D
okay lah ttyl , byeeeee ! Have fun with all your stuff k buddyyy.
i have class Macroeconomics at 4pm after this, and tomorrow is my Marketing test which is i have to badly struggle hard ! memorising each chapter very well ! my gosh its until chapter 5 dude. im not that einstein to read but i am good memorising to read , how cool is that? wee-hee
inspite of that my friend of mine RAJA NABILA SYAZWANEE , is very hardworking study marketing am so proud of it
and anther friend of mine, YUSRA NAZRI is missing in action , ADELLA AIRA i dont know what shes doing currently. well girls, study hard naa !! (:
and myself surfing upp on the floor , mumbling aloner writing myself a new speech at blog. wow and non study. sangat rajin belajar . terimakasih ;D
and now my room is in a romantic soulest mood , my god someone is open ' BELLA LUNA' song like serious many time HEARD, oftenly yesterday BERKUMANDANG and thank god once for today ;D
okay lah ttyl , byeeeee ! Have fun with all your stuff k buddyyy.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
G o s s i p g i r l
i am getting in love with GOSSIP GIRLS series like badly and i already have complete collection for their series and more seriously to write is i love C-H-U-C-K & B-L-A-I-R !
theres so much attitude !
Gossip girls getting awesome and more hypocritilism in elite cities with bad good phenomena consist of evils planner and few new characters to join and makes this series looking more COMPLICATED .
every season every episode ada je conflict which is making us wonders actually ! i loike it those very much.
and besides that i am getting myself full series of GLEE but i dont know who have it . i wannaa it so muchh.
whatever back to my addiction of GOSSIP GIRLS ! i was in passionate looking cheeky to chuck bass because of his soulest voice and romantic versions of walking ! haha might hes just being A GUY than DAN who is playing hard his character to get over with SERENA by complicating himself towards other girls and sourroundings. NATE looking so macho because of his loyal love towards blair at first place and VANESSA and JULIET . okay many girls. but the girls actually dumped him nor himself and BLAIR is looking fasinanting with her tone of having and wearing those branded brand and the way she talk and her bad planner , i effin love her so muchhhhhhh! okayyy i am sound so obsessing right now.
With inspiring words come out from BLAIR , SERENA getting so close with here. With motivating words come out from SERENA , BLAIR getting so close with serena. thats why they are both meant be BFF's in this series. and they look awesomeee .
conclusions is i love that series so muchh!
theres so much attitude !
Gossip girls getting awesome and more hypocritilism in elite cities with bad good phenomena consist of evils planner and few new characters to join and makes this series looking more COMPLICATED .
every season every episode ada je conflict which is making us wonders actually ! i loike it those very much.
and besides that i am getting myself full series of GLEE but i dont know who have it . i wannaa it so muchh.
whatever back to my addiction of GOSSIP GIRLS ! i was in passionate looking cheeky to chuck bass because of his soulest voice and romantic versions of walking ! haha might hes just being A GUY than DAN who is playing hard his character to get over with SERENA by complicating himself towards other girls and sourroundings. NATE looking so macho because of his loyal love towards blair at first place and VANESSA and JULIET . okay many girls. but the girls actually dumped him nor himself and BLAIR is looking fasinanting with her tone of having and wearing those branded brand and the way she talk and her bad planner , i effin love her so muchhhhhhh! okayyy i am sound so obsessing right now.
With inspiring words come out from BLAIR , SERENA getting so close with here. With motivating words come out from SERENA , BLAIR getting so close with serena. thats why they are both meant be BFF's in this series. and they look awesomeee .
conclusions is i love that series so muchh!
Great effin weekend for everybody ! its S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y . oh my bitting harsh , this weekend are not personally my great day , today i went to CERAMAH MODUL actually this is the cumpolsary activities for every students in UiTM . and yet i thought the ceramah was bored but it wasnt the speaker was awesome , and i put gain on my briefcase head that i realising how important life and worth for me to grew well and be SOLEH person (:
okay back to my lazy bum history of the day,
ALL MY GF's are basically have fun at AIRTERJUN which is~ i quite jealousyy,
pathethic for me that i am so get lazy bum to go with em' , HOW i am MISS MY DAY !
nevermind we can go over there in other days. there not going anywhere pun kaaaaaan .
and TOMORROW SUNDAY ! i have kembara with UiTM , ayoo saya malas to walk down across over JENGKA laa. its makes me sick =.= so awful
but i will get my own reason then , escaping from kembara. muahaha. thats bad's planning. well idc much abt that.
And MONDAY ! i have to prepare my own memorising for MARKETING test 1. and its bloody hard day for me. and WEDNESDAY i have presentation ! which is i have to present with it and jury by panels (lecture and other students) will conduct for marks ! and the marks consists of 5% and its ALOTTTTTTSSS!!
and i am enjoying myself aloner here with twitter and surfing at floor. wahaha how cool is that?
being waiting for em' , TAK INGAT BALIK DAH KA? =.= okay that jokeee.
and thats all for now. ttyl then . xo
Thursday, December 9, 2010
World UiTM Results Day !
Goodluck to all UiTM students ! May Allah Bless you girls and guys!
Be patient while open student portal its quite lems yooo . haha
with loveee (:
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Mere Pehla Pyaar.
here we goes the story , i dont have anybody called first love eventhough i already being
in love. i dont think anyone that i couple is my first love.
Did you guys realise what it is means by first love? i hope you guys know really well so i dont have to
mention anything about this definition. definitely not .
well open to my awful love chapter , i dont have anyone called love or first love.
they are just villains , villains for jism (lust) . thanks you very much for that my villains.
i have three villains. three villains that never appreciate me as i am the only one appreciate them.
dont want to screw up this story , i dont want neither to wrote their names in it because they are just
trash memory for me , they are TRASH . sorry for being rude words for you's..
if you asking me , ' why you do not want to find or open to someonelse ' or maybe ' why you already single and never find'?
and my answer is , i am happy with my single suppaa singgger in my life . i dont need nobody to share with nobody to
understand and nobody to feel what i really mean to feel . i have everybodyelse besides LOVEONES . they are most valuable rather
than to have villains that never appreciate me in life.
and when you asking me again , ' do you want to be single on whole all your life '
then i will answer this , SORRY , i am not be. i will not be single for entire my life. i want my one is with me. besides near infront
back left right ups downs with me. i dont want to find someone right now because i am eager beager scared if my love never happen.
I will waiting patiently that miracle will happen. i need someone that really can bimbing ,appreciate , love ,respect everybody ,
shares everything , beriman and etc in positive attitude to me. i will wait eventhough i am lonely right now. that is my mere pehla
do you guys thinks what do you have right now is MERE PEHLA PYAAR or FIRST LOVE?
think back again. do you feel? do you mean love? think my dearie friend ,
with loveee ,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
i am get so emotional
Okay this one is kind of tragic story and bit of sensitive issue . i dont know why i am get so emotional when it comes something that really touch my heart eventhough the things is kind of not so important i feel like i am LOSER left behind others. Its awful for me. it was and really it is.
I try to be best in everyone needs , in everyones mind , in everyones situation .. but mostly i dont get any serious friendly feedback from them. it shittish. i know i am not the best to get involve it neither to be with fun . I am sorry i am not that kinda special in your eyes . but i do care everything whatever it happens , whatever maybe something warn you because i do care you like i do everyday.
I am sorry for everything , i am sorry for making up you sad like almost everyday.
its accidently happen and not my intention ♥
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I have one good speech today , its about a friendship speech :)
I have a good friend of mine , shes not my only friend but she is my really sweetooth girlfriends i ever had in my life . Her name is 'well i cant mention it so well' i hope she do know her name well name not important but i want to her knew how much i deeply appreciate our relationship till now.
She is sempoi coolest cun sexiest lovely and rensposible friend ever! i could not imagine if i too far away from her . because for all this entire been shes making me to standing up as a good friend and rensposible person to almost everybody. She guide me how to be immature to mature , how to be egolistic ,how to be intelligient like others , how to be independent rather than be dependent.
I learnt many things from her . Her experience , her life , her voice , her advices really waking me up. We have been thru for a year and half already . i could not imagine also if i just me and not the new farah as what people can see my changes in any circumstances.
I met her just coincidence. knew from our friend too. from that i know i have something connection that we can debute as goodfriend until now. we are so much fighting like cats and dogs, argue like mad shes always back off and i always the winner it is not fair to her .
She sacrifise for this friendship alots, how much i appreciate her. appreciate that she always with me always beside me and always be there for me eventhough i am still blind to knew that she still care, to feel that she worried about mebut however i am more realise dah. seriously like lots.
Iloveyou like alotss. you are the most understandable person , the most respectful person and the most loveablest person! ♥
to be honest you are just so good friend to me and i am so comfortable to be in your shoulder everytime i am in moody condition, thank you for lend it :)
bytheway this is some the list that i will never ever forget !
1. we are almost fighting like cats dogs , argue argue I am winner and you always be lose.♥
2.i always hurt her like alots . terus terang sangat :(
3.when it comes to share story i am always story at wrong time which you need good sleep.
4.You are always there for me eventhough i called never replied but i know you care .
5.You are so much EGO. but your EGO sometimes can be NOT SO EGO dah. :)
6. I love when you asked for my opinions my advises and any info.
7.You are too much caringnesss ♥you care everything even my food,my clothes & everythings.
8.Pemurah for things especiaally when i pokai . hhaa
9. Nice friends!
10. xoxo ! ♥
11. I love to hear when she start story about her loife and giving me a good advise and extra advise.
12.Suka tengok marah. huahuahua.
i tell you back people , when you realise and think back do you still have a good friend that can always with you? tell them do you love me as i do love you like own blood?
arent they ,arent?
Thank god i have mine. what about yours ? :)
heyy , cause you are amazing just the way you aree :)
Siblings ♥
Siblings is the person who incredibly have good compasion and connection ! they know who i am and they know who am i from starter till ends . For a simple words they know everything :)
They are the most most most precious gift from GOD , i am luckyy to being with them as a big sister to my lil sibling and lil sibling to my sister . eventhough somehow we are fighting like cats dogs , mumblers like mountain spiking the fire nevertherless our heart bonds tightly as always .
ILOVE MY SIBLINGS ALOT , eventhough they are like mengada ngada one . muehehe. OPS
however , we are not have same common similirity or interest but the passion that we love have make us have one head meaning that give out opinion and have good feedback , yeaaa we are.

Nurul Hafizah,NurFarah Shafeena , Intan Nabilah , Muhammad Luqman & Nur Diana Ellyna ♥
Overall we have 4 perempuan and only lelaki. will be master la konon tapi he is very pampared . oh my goodness he is. mommy son . grr ;p

my goodness farah haha..
papepun ILOVE THEM INFINITY , priceless and valuable thats my siblingggs ! :)
YOU GIRLS and GUY LOVES ME?? :) yeaaaaah i know the answer already hehe.
hello !
howareyou in there , i hope you are doing fine and good with the love ones . hehe okay back to story , i missssssyou my dearie blogger. oh my gosh its been quite a month i am away busy from jam books exams and everything and now i am free like bird. and i will keep hardworking to updating any information that kinda important to let all of you know and take a note!
well i am busy doing my belly dance for my sems break, and i want to looking much preetier ! haha tak de lah , belly dance is for my fitness be healthy nor in looking great and gorgeous. euww.
bytheway i am too tired too write it on. but! BUT BUT! i will keep writing laters nahh.
i want to see some of hot news coming out , ttyl ♥
Pizza Pizza Pizza !
Everybody in this worlds love to eat Pizza ! Pizza is one of the crispy and delicious meal in Italiaa.
It is not easy to make a delicious pizza because you have to be professional to stir to chop and to pour every ingredient to make a pizza ! haha. okay looks like we talk about pizza theres a few pizza that i have known and already taste..
It is not easy to make a delicious pizza because you have to be professional to stir to chop and to pour every ingredient to make a pizza ! haha. okay looks like we talk about pizza theres a few pizza that i have known and already taste..
Haha its delicious right . okay we know the name of the pizza but how we want to order it.
OKAY I KNOW by telephone , like duhh =.= hahaha
but i am not typically want to share you how to order the pizza but i want to share you one clip funny video. HE IS SOUND SO FUNNY WHEN HE MADE AN ORDER :) enjoy the showww hahaha ♥ muamuah
Monday, April 12, 2010
heello , Morningg with stomach acheee !
Heeello all , i am here for been ages have'nt written off anything on this blogg. Ive been so busy lately . With pack schedule i have to obey and hectic people have to be concern off . There are so much attitudes i have to flash for satisfied each of things i have discovered.
Meanwhilee last weeks on Thursdayy , i have such a blasted belated birthday ever (=
Meanwhilee last weeks on Thursdayy , i have such a blasted belated birthday ever (=
" MAMYY thanks for the cakee , ILOVEYOU (= "
MIGHT be stop till right heree, i am struggle for my painess right now.
muah2! (:
MIGHT be stop till right heree, i am struggle for my painess right now.
muah2! (:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
oh my goodness !
guyss im sorrry . i cant show all my entries is just that the layout that i put does not supported to convert my all entries . this is the only half of it. THERES alot but im sorrry huee :)
bythewaaay LOVEYAA! oh yeaaa not to forget i already ended up my myspace account .
be seing you on facebook and twitter ! ADD ME UPPPPPPP . much lovees
Sunday, December 27, 2009
SAZZYNASH ♥ the first thing should i thank to them who did a really nice job for Sehati Berdansa eventhough i am not satisfied with finale results. they should be place for NUMBERONE. and SEINANA you guys are deserve too grab that first runner-up :-)
Both of them are already did the best at the stageee. WELL DONE do !
So nevertherless there are not important at all atleast they sincerity to dance for donation to their selected charity thou . thats the pure dance for sehati berdansa bytheway .
well in conjuntion that , today im going back to Penang to visit my grandmother.. :'( miss her lots.
and plus i am suffering SEGUGUT like badlyyyyyyy. SAKIT and LENGUH nya teramat sangat.
how i want to describe thats this is the teribbles laaa. haha papepun nevermind thats the women illness should i stand for .
okayla no more time to writeee. going off so .
Both of them are already did the best at the stageee. WELL DONE do !
So nevertherless there are not important at all atleast they sincerity to dance for donation to their selected charity thou . thats the pure dance for sehati berdansa bytheway .
well in conjuntion that , today im going back to Penang to visit my grandmother.. :'( miss her lots.
and plus i am suffering SEGUGUT like badlyyyyyyy. SAKIT and LENGUH nya teramat sangat.
how i want to describe thats this is the teribbles laaa. haha papepun nevermind thats the women illness should i stand for .
okayla no more time to writeee. going off so .
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Favourite Actor & Actress ♥
Malay Actor&Actress
1. Farid Kamil , Lisa Surihani
2.Fahrin Ahmad , Scha Al-Yahya
3.Aznil Nawawi , Nasha Aziz
4.Mustafa Maa'rof , Dira Abu Zahar
5.P.Ramlee , Erra Fazira
6.Ellyas Abdullah , Umie Aida
7.Hans Isaac , Betty Benafe
8.Afdlin Shauki , Liyana Jasmay
9.AC Mizal , Maya Karin
10.Kamal Adly , Fazura
English Actor&Actress
1.Hugh Grant , Drew Barrymore
2.Shia LaBeouf , Dakota Fanning
3.Micheal Chad Murray , Miley Cyrus
4.Zac Efron , Catherine Zeta-Jones
5.Mike Myer , Jessica Alba
6.Tim Allen , Eva Longoria
7. Johny Deep , Cameron Diaz
8.Rowan Atkinson , Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
9.Jackie Chan , Anne Hathaway
10.Leonardo Dicaprio , Kate Winslet
Bollywood Actor&Actress
1. Shah Rukh Khan , Preity Zinta
2.Abhishek Bachan , Aishwaryai Rai
3.Salman Khan , Amisha Patel
4.Hrithik Roshan , Priyanka Chopra
5.Saif Ali Khan , Kareena Kapoor
6.Bobby Deol , Juhi Chawla
7.Sanjay Dutt , Bipasha Basu
8.Shahid Kapoor , Deepika Padukone
9.Uday Chopra , Katrina Kaif
10.Ranbir Kapoor ,Sushmita Sen
Malay Actor&Actress
1. Farid Kamil , Lisa Surihani
2.Fahrin Ahmad , Scha Al-Yahya
3.Aznil Nawawi , Nasha Aziz
4.Mustafa Maa'rof , Dira Abu Zahar
5.P.Ramlee , Erra Fazira
6.Ellyas Abdullah , Umie Aida
7.Hans Isaac , Betty Benafe
8.Afdlin Shauki , Liyana Jasmay
9.AC Mizal , Maya Karin
10.Kamal Adly , Fazura
English Actor&Actress
1.Hugh Grant , Drew Barrymore
2.Shia LaBeouf , Dakota Fanning
3.Micheal Chad Murray , Miley Cyrus
4.Zac Efron , Catherine Zeta-Jones
5.Mike Myer , Jessica Alba
6.Tim Allen , Eva Longoria
7. Johny Deep , Cameron Diaz
8.Rowan Atkinson , Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
9.Jackie Chan , Anne Hathaway
10.Leonardo Dicaprio , Kate Winslet
Bollywood Actor&Actress
1. Shah Rukh Khan , Preity Zinta
2.Abhishek Bachan , Aishwaryai Rai
3.Salman Khan , Amisha Patel
4.Hrithik Roshan , Priyanka Chopra
5.Saif Ali Khan , Kareena Kapoor
6.Bobby Deol , Juhi Chawla
7.Sanjay Dutt , Bipasha Basu
8.Shahid Kapoor , Deepika Padukone
9.Uday Chopra , Katrina Kaif
10.Ranbir Kapoor ,Sushmita Sen
Thursday, December 24, 2009
i dont think i do the right things right now , appearently NO .
i keep hesitate keeping it but it wont never flown away , how disgust it will be.
its been 5 months dude ive happily single suddenly your soul here disturbing me.
you weird already gone but hate to remembering the stuff of jerk things,
i hate to go with it . youre not my attention at all .
i mention to you , you mention to me. you know whaatt
euwww , i hate you alots.
i keep hesitate keeping it but it wont never flown away , how disgust it will be.
its been 5 months dude ive happily single suddenly your soul here disturbing me.
you weird already gone but hate to remembering the stuff of jerk things,
i hate to go with it . youre not my attention at all .
i mention to you , you mention to me. you know whaatt
euwww , i hate you alots.
oh bytheway happy birthday , have your wish come true.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
ohhhhh mummmyy ,
wanna see 3 idiotssss ! new film by RajKumar Hirani .
Aiyoo mummyyyyyyy .
mey tumse bohot bohot to see their actingg. HILARIOUSS mummyy.
Amirrr Khan And Kareena Kapoor is SIZZLING HOTSSSSSSS! Ughh.
nyum2 ;D
Aiyoo mummyyyyyyy .
mey tumse bohot bohot to see their actingg. HILARIOUSS mummyy.
Amirrr Khan And Kareena Kapoor is SIZZLING HOTSSSSSSS! Ughh.
nyum2 ;D
Grandmother ..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
i am pour my rain with a nonsense reason ;((
hates to cryyyy when it comes something i hate to think aboutt it ;'(

GOOOOO AWAAAAY YYY...............................
hahaha GALAK gila ;D BOO
whatever it comes , its already goes . past is dead and dead is gone .
similarly i hates to cry for so moreee. wasted but i feel it . sorrry ;((
similarly i hates to cry for so moreee. wasted but i feel it . sorrry ;((
CHEERS farah! heeeeeeeey ,-
i make one folder on my lappyy , whole of it are my voices.
hahaha GALAK gila ;D BOO
gimme some , fireflies :)
Drop a shadow of unknown , Glister with shining glimmering ,
Eyes shimmering with shining ,Deepest of beating faster ,
i envy with all those couple stuff . muehehe. its quite normal feeling i guess. but i dont use get to being 'in relation' for this current moments . i feel like being bastard all times with all my ex's , a same reason for different people. i hates to hear the same reason if i had one soon .
i need someone really can BEAGER with me in different expression butttt ...they got me wrong .
nevermind , i dont suit with them as sweeet as i wanted for my oness . haha
farah is mumblers and talking to much , but i guess this is what i feel currently laa ;-)
I dont careeee how long it is takes for me to waiting , i willing to wait for that .
and its worth to wait someone that really special becauseeee the final one is always perfect !
-but mostly la kan.
Eyes shimmering with shining ,Deepest of beating faster ,
♥♥i guess i miss all those this things ;-)
i envy with all those couple stuff . muehehe. its quite normal feeling i guess. but i dont use get to being 'in relation' for this current moments . i feel like being bastard all times with all my ex's , a same reason for different people. i hates to hear the same reason if i had one soon .
i need someone really can BEAGER with me in different expression butttt ...they got me wrong .
nevermind , i dont suit with them as sweeet as i wanted for my oness . haha
farah is mumblers and talking to much , but i guess this is what i feel currently laa ;-)
sometimes i feel like ' euwww '
but my euww is sense for pretends la kan . takkan i want to show it.
my love is here , here ! shouldnt said pretends but the best words is im hiding that :)
Doesnt make sense at all . aaaaaahh , i dont know 'why would this happen to me ! '- taking simple plan lyrics. muehehe.but my euww is sense for pretends la kan . takkan i want to show it.
my love is here , here ! shouldnt said pretends but the best words is im hiding that :)
I dont careeee how long it is takes for me to waiting , i willing to wait for that .
and its worth to wait someone that really special becauseeee the final one is always perfect !
-but mostly la kan.
So just waittt naa Farah , yeaa i wait for ittt :-)
dak gelojoh pun . wehehehe
dak gelojoh pun . wehehehe
stop really a bad habits
SWEAR i wont mencarut already ;(
it was bad when i realise that i am so mencarut now daysss.
i hate it. oh my goodness. farah is bad sins.
it was bad when i realise that i am so mencarut now daysss.
i hate it. oh my goodness. farah is bad sins.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Become so FAMOUS after kena TAGGED dgn cousin ku , ALYIOO
i like to been tagged do . suka buat soalan gila dari orang ;D since ive been waiting FOR LONG AGES weey , finally ada yang tagged . yeeepieeeeeee ! haha
TAGGED dari cousin sendiri , Mas Alyia Mazlan Abdullah , todyaa nama panjang teruss
Mas Alyia Mazlaaan ♥
OSHKO my baby lovely adorabubbly , hes my boyfieeeee.
TAGGED dari cousin sendiri , Mas Alyia Mazlan Abdullah , todyaa nama panjang teruss
Mas Alyia Mazlaaan ♥
25 Random Things .
Rules : Once you’ve been tagged , you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things , facts , habits , or goals about you

3) Sukaaa buat lawaaaak , suka tengok orang gelak macam gila ! tak suka NUMBERS , Hates ;D
4) Sukaaa tengok cerita hantuuu , GHOST ADVENTURES , PARANORMAL ACTIVITY ! ♥
5) tak sukaa GADGET ! , tapi suka tengok handphoneeeeeee & Cam - Corder .
6) Seorang yang setia pada yang satuuuu. percayaaa laaa. hahaha
7) Suka makan Otak2 , Thosaai , Bihun Goreng , Waffle and Pau Kacang !
8) Cepat touching do . tak tau psepa. grrr.
9) Ada 3 ex semua macam fcukk offff ! SORRY naaa.
10) Lovees to Singing , Watching and Dancing towards BOLLYWOOD !
11) Minat Pasukan Malaysiaaaa , Liverpool and SPAIN! . yerrro yerrrrrro.
12) Nak Kahwin umur 27,28 atau 29 :D hehehehe
13) Suka menyanyi ! KAROAK sorang2 . muehehehe, ramai2 segans doo . adeeey -.- HAKIKAT
14) Benci orang ambil kesempatan , BENCI BENCI BENCI fcking hatesss it .
Sama Birthday dengan Legendary Kick-OFF ! Jackie Chann (7th APRIL) ♥
4) Sukaaa tengok cerita hantuuu , GHOST ADVENTURES , PARANORMAL ACTIVITY ! ♥
5) tak sukaa GADGET ! , tapi suka tengok handphoneeeeeee & Cam - Corder .
6) Seorang yang setia pada yang satuuuu. percayaaa laaa. hahaha
7) Suka makan Otak2 , Thosaai , Bihun Goreng , Waffle and Pau Kacang !
8) Cepat touching do . tak tau psepa. grrr.
9) Ada 3 ex semua macam fcukk offff ! SORRY naaa.
10) Lovees to Singing , Watching and Dancing towards BOLLYWOOD !
11) Minat Pasukan Malaysiaaaa , Liverpool and SPAIN! . yerrro yerrrrrro.
12) Nak Kahwin umur 27,28 atau 29 :D hehehehe
13) Suka menyanyi ! KAROAK sorang2 . muehehehe, ramai2 segans doo . adeeey -.- HAKIKAT
14) Benci orang ambil kesempatan , BENCI BENCI BENCI fcking hatesss it .

16) Suka tengok animations , cartoons , series ! :) Heart it lovess it and loikeeeeeee muchh!
17) RINDU nakk in relationnnnn. muehehe gtaaai .
18) Tengah nak onthewayy beli BLACKBERRRRRRRYYYY . yeeeepieeeee.
19) Loves to watchhh Charlie Chaplin , Mr Bean and Family Outing hari2 ! not boring at all la
20) Love Number SEVEN (7) and NIN E(9) ehehem2 ;D yeeeehaaa.
21) MUMYYY ABAHHHH , nak volkswageeeeen or NAZA bestari boleeh daaak? muehehe.
22) Tak Suka Bungaa tapi APPRECIATE when someone i love gimme :)
23) Suka Sakat and Perli kawaaaan , RINDDDU nak buaaaat ! , SUKA GILA LAALALALA.
17) RINDU nakk in relationnnnn. muehehe gtaaai .
18) Tengah nak onthewayy beli BLACKBERRRRRRRYYYY . yeeeepieeeee.
19) Loves to watchhh Charlie Chaplin , Mr Bean and Family Outing hari2 ! not boring at all la
20) Love Number SEVEN (7) and NIN E(9) ehehem2 ;D yeeeehaaa.
21) MUMYYY ABAHHHH , nak volkswageeeeen or NAZA bestari boleeh daaak? muehehe.
22) Tak Suka Bungaa tapi APPRECIATE when someone i love gimme :)
23) Suka Sakat and Perli kawaaaan , RINDDDU nak buaaaat ! , SUKA GILA LAALALALA.
25) Terima Kasih , iloveyou . mwaaaaa2 :-)
Damn , its going to be freaking tough . hatee . struggle .
Oh my goodness is going to be freaking tough on the next sems. I could said that i will be the most most hectic ladie on earth . i bet will be alots of assignment to do and alots of presentation on HPD and so on . Might i will be headache like badly . pretending i am cool is enough .
This is what i will to do on next sems. I already list out everything that important . in on the way to make my own Calender Schedule and Holiday's Makers . freaking hateee with damn things . grr
plus ive got tuition for accounts and business math and i want my mummy and abah will encourage me to go another tuition for microeconomic . how distance i am i want to futher for DEKAN . haha
yeaaa it will happen for me, i hates counting , i hate number . i fcuking hates it alotsss . but with help some professional people , i will have a good results ! i will be . will see thenn :)
as you can see i have 7 subjects . 5 is main subject and 2 is minor subject which is the one paper i have to repeat.
I already highlighted two papers there
1 ) Financial Accounting
2 ) Mathematical For Business
*this is the two papers that i have to repeat on the next sem
whereas the one who i circle it in blue
1) Cost Accounting
*is the one i think i want to drop that subject.
This is what i will to do on next sems. I already list out everything that important . in on the way to make my own Calender Schedule and Holiday's Makers . freaking hateee with damn things . grr
plus ive got tuition for accounts and business math and i want my mummy and abah will encourage me to go another tuition for microeconomic . how distance i am i want to futher for DEKAN . haha
yeaaa it will happen for me, i hates counting , i hate number . i fcuking hates it alotsss . but with help some professional people , i will have a good results ! i will be . will see thenn :)
First of all this is my course registration ,
I already highlighted two papers there
1 ) Financial Accounting
2 ) Mathematical For Business
*this is the two papers that i have to repeat on the next sem
whereas the one who i circle it in blue
1) Cost Accounting
*is the one i think i want to drop that subject.
hm but still in discussion with my parents about this . hahaha . i cant do all by myself .
it will be tough for me thou.
it will be tough for me thou.
and as people know , study hard is not encourage us in better result but with PRAYERS .
*it will helps you alots :-) thats what my parents told me and also my grandparents .
*it will helps you alots :-) thats what my parents told me and also my grandparents .
aww, thats such a sweeet compliments,
loveees alotss! ♥♥
loveees alotss! ♥♥
Sunday, December 20, 2009
makes me laughing like devils ;D
human madly laugh , i love to laugh , everyone love to be laugh .
there are such a huge way to makes people laugh , and ourselves laugh.
currently the things that makes me laugh is , watching a funny videeeo. muehehe.
i was like madly laugh , anything that funny la. but frequently i'll watch family outing la kan , but sometimes i watch others . here some clips randomly i took !
there are such a huge way to makes people laugh , and ourselves laugh.
currently the things that makes me laugh is , watching a funny videeeo. muehehe.
i was like madly laugh , anything that funny la. but frequently i'll watch family outing la kan , but sometimes i watch others . here some clips randomly i took !
well probbaly thats alots of video , just took as random ja :)
and soorry not repost as big as video , link is enough naaa , kan kan?
and soorry not repost as big as video , link is enough naaa , kan kan?
not so deliveryy
oh my loveeees , im so tiredless have no idea to write anythingggg.
gimme bed pleaseee ,hahahaha-haha.